10 Social Media Marketing Tips For Small Local Businesses
Being a small business owner often leads to having less “accessibility” because often SEMs don’t have as much capital as larger businesses do. However, you can create more exposure for your business and connect with your customers through social media in many cost-effective ways. Social media has so many benefits and one of these fantastic perks is that it is often free and inexpensive.
Take your business to the next level with social media
As mentioned before, social media comes with lots of benefits. The great news is that these benefits are not limited to the public, but as an entrepreneur, you too, can use it to your advantage.
While you’re probably saying to yourself “hey, I’m no social media boffin” the truth is you can make it work for your small business by applying some of these tips.
1. Choose the platform that works
Every business is different, and while this is true, it’s also true that not all platforms may work for you and your business. We’ve often heard people say “well, I don’t know how to use Instagram “ Or, “Facebook is the way to go, it’s really helped my business”.
You can pick one that you feel most comfortable with. You can get help from leading marketing companies that can help you market your brand through social media. To choose a social network that will best suit your business needs, you’ll first have to try to work out what you want to achieve.
Are you looking to engage with your potential and current customers? Are you looking to advertise your company’s services? Most importantly is figuring just whom exactly you’re trying to market.
2. Perfecting your brand’s voice
If it’s unclear what a brand voice is, here’s a bit of introduction. Every company needs to have a voice for their brand. What this means is how you communicate with your audience. Is your content’s tone formal or casual, do provide enough engagement?
Your brand goes even further to define the very way the content is written, is it catchy and funny or is it too bold? Does it inspire and encourage, or does it sound reprimanding and intolerant? In essence, your brand has its very own character and one that’s going to be at the forefront, so consistency is very important.
3. Originality is a key ingredient
If you’re thinking about long-term profits and how people will associate with your brand then you need to stay original. It’s frustrating to find a company that copies another. The challenge here is not to let that destroy your “fighting spirit”.
In business, you’ll always find those who play by the rules and those who bend it for their own gain. What you can do is try to push yourself to be even better and come up with ideas that are more original. Original ideas will help to improve your business profits and the overall marketing strategy.
4. Don’t forget to tweak your Linkedin account
Not everyone has a LinkedIn account, but on the social media side of things, it may serve as a good tool to build on your reputation. People want to see what your business is about. They want to know what your experience with others is and what you’ve already done among other aspects.
Your Linkedin account is not only a professional digital marketing tool but also a good way to “strut your marketing stuff”. You never know who’s searching for your services and if you’re really good in your niche, you’ll most likely boost engagement and even conversions.
5. Use your social media to reach
Because social media is so prevalent in this age, it’s near impossible not to be able to reach your audience. Everybody owns smartphones and these are the very devices used for social media for several hours a day. So master how the platform works and stay on your game.
6. Be persistent
Going hand-in-hand with the previous point, social media requires persistence for it to make a difference. You need to keep those posts and videos rolling in keeping your audience interested and engaged.
Think of it like this, say you had a favourite ShowMax show that you just absolutely adored and then suddenly the show is axed. The horror right? You’d feel somewhat disappointed, especially if it ends on a cliffhanger. This is what’s happening as you grow your audience, with time they’ll be looking forward and expecting your posts and videos.
You can’t stop while things are just getting started and good, you have to keep going as this is how you’ll enjoy the rewards in the end.
7. Make a schedule to create some balance
One cannot argue that running a startup even a medium business means some crazy “disorientated” days. This is normal, but creating structure and planning well is going to help improve things.
Scheduling times and days for publishing posts will create a routine, which is quite essential given the expectations of your audience. Schedules will also help you to plan better and perfect each post before it’s officially published.
8. Make it appealing to the audience (differentiate)
Not every reader appreciates a sales pitch; in fact, maybe most of them could care less about buying unnecessary items. When it comes to your content, you want to make sure that you speak to your audience without always adding a “sales marker”.
Call to actions, on the other hand, is important for engagement, but trying to pitch your readers to buy this and that in every post will prove to be irritating. In plain words, simply leave the sales pitches for salesy posts and the “heart-to-heart” speaking to your audience as a way of helping them. After all, you want your audience to relate to you and know that you have emotions too, and not just some “marketing tactic” trying to get into their wallet.
9. Broaden your horizons learning more
When you broaden your horizon, you can actually learn from your audience, customers, and competitors. Be willing to leave your comfort zone and try something different, like Instagram Stories. Learning all you can about your industry or niche is going to go a long way to improve your business and your ability to market better.
10. Keep your friends close and your competition closer!
Yes, that’s a fact. As mentioned in the above point, the truth is you really can learn from your competitors. You don’t have to be a copycat, but learn to get better and “up your game” in social media marketing for your small business because this is definitely going to create a solid long-term investment.
Advantages of using social media marketing for your small business
Better your brand awareness
Brand awareness is one of the number one goals you want to achieve. At the end of the day, the more people recognise your brand the more your business can start making profits. People always go with what they know and trust so when you market your brand through social media, you get to engage with a wide audience.
Brand loyalty
This goes hand-in-hand with that first point. When people learn to love your brand, this automatically creates that loyalty you want them to have. Loyalty leads to referrals and word-of-mouth marketing. Let’s just say it’s always a win-win situation if you’ve got loyal customers following and buying your brand.
Better conversion rates
Once the loyalty is in place, you must get yourself ready for conversions. Why you may ask? Well, those word-of-mouth referrals have sold your services and products on your behalf. Technically, they’re getting people they know to convert to your brand. This is truly fantastic and rewarding when you begin to see your hard work pay off!
Get more bang for your Buck
Yes, when you use social media marketing for your business, you’ll be drastically cutting down on the expenses linked to regular advertising. Going with TV advertising may be a good option as you’re going to catch viewers learning about your brand. However, in 2015, the rates for TV advertisements where anything between R500 and R1,200. For newspaper print advertisements, prices varied for the space used/words and the newspaper in which the advert was to be placed.
When it comes to social media for your business marketing, you’re always going to save. You’ll also get a little something in return with adwords and PPC (pay-per-click). Being seen online doesn’t limit you as much as newspapers, billboards, flyers and TV does. Therefore it’s definitely a win and something you need for your business.
Be discovered online
You can increase your chances of being found online when you’re actively using social media for your business advertising efforts. You want this because it creates, even more, reach and engagement, which will lead to better ROIs.
The takeaway
Practicing your skills in social media takes time. You may even be”brand new” to the game, but once you’ve mastered the basics, the rest is easier.
Many social media platforms offer great tools to help make your efforts simpler. These include everything from live video creation, publishing tools, sharing convenience and editing options among other.
If you don’t have the time to maintain your social media channels and engage, then marketing agencies can help you here. They have the personnel, knowledge and skills needed to attract prospects and keep them interested.
Originally published at https://blog.bigdomino.co.za on December 10, 2018.