16 Instagram Tips, Hacks And More That You Can’t Afford To Go Without
Insanely cool Instagram tips that will help you grow your following
Instagram is your gateway to a world of digital marketing hacks and tricks that can help you better sales and communication. Digital marketing is full of concepts, tools and “measures” that promise better prospects for the future of small and medium business owners.
In this post, we want to show you how you can use some cool Instagram features to your advantage. Everyone wants the best for their business so why not start today. With these Instagram tips that we have to share, you’ll be able to get better results.
The cool thing about Instagram is that it isn’t just for business owners. Instead, you can use it for your personal posts and fun adventures that you’d like to share with your network.
Instagram has plenty of benefits and we’ll delve into it right now…
So what is Instagram?
Instagram is a leading online social network that allows you to post pictures and videos. In this way, you can share some of your experiences with your network and viewers. It’s convenient because the application works on iOS and Android devices which means you’re more than welcome to use it on the go.
It’s easy to use and there’s always some new Instagram tips popping up every now and again.
As if that isn’t enough advantages, you can also take enjoy its “stories feature”, which could probably give you a bit of Snapchat “déjà vu”.
Take control with these Instagram tips
1. Add characters to your bio
Special characters (emojis) make content stand out as they define something unique. With Instagram, you can add special characters to make your bio stand out from the rest. You can use your computer or mobile device to add special characters to your bio. Be sure to use characters that resonate with your brand image and brand voice.
If you’re a lawyer, it would probably not make sense to have cute butterflies and unicorn emoji’s, now would it?
But look at how cool this bio looks because the emoji’s fit with the brand image and tells a story:
2. Clear your search history in Instagram
The need to clear your search history is normal to maintain your privacy. This is easily done on Instagram by doing the following:
In your own profile, click on the options tab. Remember it looks different for iOS and Android phones. iOS features a “gear” and Android “3 dots”. Scroll down to the “delete history” option and select it. It’s as simple as that.
3. Do an advanced post schedule
This is one of the most important Instagram tips to help you stay ahead of posting. Without a schedule, you could simply end up posting at random times. Random posts may decrease your engagement and even the amount of views. Be sure to only use auto-schedulers that are approved by Instagram.
If you don’t go the auto-scheduler route, be sure to have at least some sort of content calendar in place.
Perhaps you are struggling to come up with fresh ideas and topics? Check out these helpful articles that can give you some inspiration: content ideas and how to come up with new content.
4. Use the bookmark and save posts
So the thing is you have some posts that you like and maybe want to check back and give it another look over. You may also choose to share those posts at another time. This is why the bookmark feature is so handy on Instagram.
On your profile, you’ll find the bookmark feature in the corner at the top of the page. Next, click on the tab called “collections” this will start your collection of posts that you want to save. You can even create folders relating to specific topics that you can save your bookmarked posts to.
5. Make your stories last more than a day with highlights
Here’s one of our favourite Instagram tips to use especially if you don’t want to face an “infamous vanishing post act.” To keep your IG story for longer than a day, simply use the story highlights feature.
Select a previous story, click the new highlight option and create a cover photo. It will automatically become a story highlight.
You have the freedom to delete your story highlight whenever you wish to do so.
6. Use IGTV to upload and browse content
IGTV is a great way to stay tuned to all your fellow Instagram users. You’ll find various movies from all the Instagram users you’re following and of course your videos too. IGTV’s videos are longer than 60 minutes in length which means that you can create or watch more in-depth videos.
Another perk about IGTV is that you can use your videos on other video platforms too, so you’re not “bound” to Instagram. That’s amazing versatility plus you can start your very own series and truly work on that influencer angle.
7. Check out your own liked posts
You can see all the posts you’ve ever liked on Instagram by clicking options in your own profile. In the options simply click on the tab for “posts you’ve liked.”
You can also deselect the posts you’ve liked in the left of each post you choose to “unlike”
8. Don’t accidentallylike the pictures while scrolling through them
I’m certain we’ve all been there having “accidentally” liked a picture that we merely wanted to see. To avoid this from happening just activate “airplane” mode on your cell phone. When this setting is activated you won’t be able to load photos, neither interact with them, thus no accidental “likes”.
Just remember to deactivate airplane mode each time you want to load a new set of photos to scroll through.
9. Get more viewing from Instagram stories
Instagram stories are always great to the viewers. They usually stand out of the crowd and get more views. This is probably because they are more unique than other Instagram posts. All your stories will appear at the very top of your follower’s feed as will theirs at the top of your feed if you’re following them.
Posting them often could help improve your engagement with followers, so this is an Instagram tip worth implementing on a daily basis.
10. Have a better “handle” on comments on your posts
You have the power to hide, delete, or disable any comments on your Instagram posts. You can do so by selecting the “disabling” feature which only works for single posts. In advanced settings, you’ll find a tab called “turn off commenting.”
To delete a comment simply swipe on the left of the speech bubble and tap the “garbage icon” to dispose of it.
To hide comments, in the app go to the options button, then from there select “comments”. In the comments section, you can choose “hide inappropriate comments.” For extra refinement, you can also add a list of words you’d like the app to prohibit from your posts.
11. Hide tagged photos
If you don’t want all your photos automatically featured in other Instagram users posts then this hack is ideal.
To hide a photo that you’ve been tagged, go to the icon with 3 dots in the “person icon below your bio.” Next click on the “hide photos” option choose the pics that you want to be hidden then click on “hide photos”. Next click “hide from profile”.
12. “Scope” out photos in specific locations
A great option if you want to check out a specific place, you can check out the photos taken there. Firstly, find the place you want to see, use the magnifying glass which is the search bar and you can type in a place. Tap on the pictures that were “geotagged”.
You can look for places that are nearby too and simply type those locations into the search area.
13. Make an extra buck selling merch
Yep, you can use Instagram to sell items too. To do this you can tag your viewers to view specific items that they can buy, this would be your product page. With the Instagram Business account, you can unlock this perk.
14. Use your favourite filters by “reordering” them
Everybody has their favourite photo filters. To hide the ones you don’t use, simply deselect the check on the filter. To reorder them simply hold down on the triple line icon on the filter that you want then drag it to use. You’ll be able to reorder and hide filters in the “manage” option under filters.
If you ask us this is one of our favourite Instagram tips to enjoy our favourite features on the network.
15. Use the Instagram photo editor on old photos
There’s no need to keep posting new photos to change them. In “airplane mode” you can publish a picture and use the filters and photo edit existing features. When doing so, you need to make sure that the “save original photos” is switched on in the settings.
16. Use type mode and spice up your Instagram stories
Regular text can be boring and formal, but with Instagram stories, you can change that to fun and creative fonts. To find “type mode” you first need to open the camera to take a video or photo. Once done, you’ll see an “A” icon displayed in the corner. Click on the “A” icon to open “type mode” and then you can select the font of choice for your story.
The takeaway
Instagram is a really great social media app with so many excellent features just waiting to be enjoyed. With all the visual stimulation, you can create awesome posts that are not only pleasing to your audience but also growing your reach as a brand.
Instagram allows for an opportunity to make money from the network with monetisation and sponsored ads among others.
If you rake up a good following, you could become an amazing influencer.
Are you using all the benefits and hacks of Instagram?
Try out these Instagram tips and take your social skills to the next level.
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Originally published at https://blog.bigdomino.co.za on July 8, 2019.